A list of other sites using PmWiki

Countless sites across the internet utilise the same wiki software as this one. Below, you will find a comprehensive table listing all the sites I have discovered employing this software. The intent of this page is to serve as a directory for those interested in exploring a variety of wikis on diverse topics. Whether you are seeking information, inspiration, or just curious about other implementations of this software, this directory aims to be your go-to resource.

wiki.coxy.coGeneral InterestThat's this page right here.
PmWikiComputer SoftwareIt's the official website for PmWiki and is a wiki itself.
Electronics WorkshopScienceTechnical support for research projects at University of Bergen (Norway).
EmuWikiVideo GamesA site dedicated to emulators (and not only).
Folk Song LyricsMusicDatabase of traditional English folk-songs, lyrics, and samples.
Tararua Tramping ClubOutdoorsThe longest established tramping club in Wellington (New Zealand).
The Agda WikiComputer SoftwareA dependently typed functional programming language.
TV TropesTelevisionDocuments descriptions and examples of plot conventions and devices.

Add your site to this list

If you want to add your site to this list, then email all the details to coxy@live.no and, if your site is appropriate, I'll be sure to add it to the list.